Saturday, March 28, 2009

Prarie path

Today I hurt my knee. Hopefully not bad, but the last 6 miles were torture. We ran the prairie path today, which was gorgeous, even if it was 30 degrees. We were running a set time instead of distance, so we knew we'd be finishing at the same time, which was nice. At mile 3 my right knee started hurting. I've never had such a severe or specific pain since I started training, so I was pretty worried. Still am. Anyway, I finished through the pain, and it was a long enough distance that in a weird way it makes me more confident that I can finish the race no matter what happens.

Lynette was running 10 minutes more than I was to stay with her friend, so we both ended up running 9.5 miles (according to my gps iPhone app).

The best part of the day was the amazing eggs benedict I had at the race-prep clinic at 7 Dwarves restaurant afterwards. Those tiny men really know how to poach an egg.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Navy Pier and Back

Today was another all-team run on the lakefront trail downtown. Our group ran from around Montrose Ave. to Navy Pier and back for a total of 12 miles. There was a huge turnout again, but the people I ran with last time were going to be running north first instead of south, so I fell in with some other people going my pace. Unfortunately, they weren't running the same distance as I was, so one by one they peeled off and turned around, and by mile 3 I was alone. Once that happened, I missed a turn and ended up running the wrong trail for several miles. It turned out all right, though, because I knew the two paths eventually joined back up, and my Nike+ chip said the mileage was about the same.

At mile 4.3, my iPod told me "Activity stopped." This was the same thing that happened to Lynette two weeks ago when it was raining. I just hit the button to resume the workout, but a few minutes later it said it again. By this time I was at mile 5 which was Oak Street Beach, so there were benches. I slowed down to drink some Gatorade and check my Nike+ chip, which turned out to be missing. I had it tucked into my laces, which was how I'd been doing it since we started training and never had a problem. I figured I could try to look for it on the way back, but didn't hold out much hope.

I made it to the Navy Pier turn-around at mile 6 (mile marker 7.5) without much trouble. I took my Gel, finished my water, and started back the other way. At this point I had no idea how long it was taking, or what my pace was. Since I was alone, I have a feeling I was going faster than I wanted to. Soon I saw Lynette coming the other way, gave her a kiss, and told her about my Nike chip. I had some idea of where to look for it since my iPod said I had gone 4.3 miles, so once I got near that point I started keeping an eye on the opposite side of the path. Much to my amazement, I actually found it. I didn't try to use it again since it would have taken too much time to set up, but I bet it'll work just fine. It's meant to be stepped on, so whatever abuse it took should be within expected parameters.

At about mile ten I felt like I needed to walk a little bit. As soon as I did, I felt my legs, knees, feet, and toes. You name it, it was tired and hurting. It was a mistake to walk, I decided, so I started running again. After the longest two miles of my life, I finally saw the last bridge we had to run under, and started sprinting for it. Turns out I didn't really have anything in my tank, and by the time I got to the finish line I was completely beat.

Luckily, the staff and coaches had set up a buffet of post-race food and drink, so I was drinking Gatorade and eating bagels in no time, and feeling great by the time Lynette finished. She was alone, since her running partner was running 20 miles, and she had sprinted the same stretch I did. As soon as she finished, she gasped "I just need to lie down for a minute," and sprawled out on the grass. Andy, a TNT staff member, came over to make sure she was ok, but she kept waving him off: "I'm fine, I just need to lie down for a while." She told me it was a really tough run for her, and she would never have had the energy for another mile were this the half marathon day. I think she would have been able to do it.

After eating a ton of the great food and drinking the chocolate milk we had brought (really good for recovery, apparently), we hit the road. The rest of the day was filled with much napping, eating, and watching TV. This was our longest run on the schedule. From here until the race, we're tapering. I can't wait to run the 13.1 miles on April 11. I know it's going to be grueling, but I'd be disappointed if it weren't.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Tough Run for Us Both

Yesterday we had only a 6-mile run. How strange that it's "only" 6 miles! I remember when 6 miles was like this huge obstacle ...

I'd been having tough runs all week. My feet were KILLING me, and I only ran 2.5 on Wednesday and 2 on Friday. I've been skipping my Monday runs after the long runs because otherwise it just saps all my energy. But I just felt drained all week. I don't know how the marathoners do it, what with training nearly twice our distance every run.

Matt had the flu SO badly on Sunday. He couldn't get out of bed all day, and Monday he didn't go to work. He wasn't feeling 100% until Thursday and didn't want to push it Friday, so he missed all of his runs this week.

We both had a terrible run! I wouldn't have made it if I hadn't been running with my friend Joanne. My feet ached, my back ached, I had no energy ... when I got done Matt was waiting for me, and he confessed that he walked almost an entire mile! (And yet I still didn't catch up to him!)

I had been aiming for a 10-minute race pace for April 11, but I think I'm more comfortable around 10:30, which is about what I've been doing. Well, the first mile or two I'm at a 10, and while it doesn't exhaust me, around mile 3 it seems that I slow down to about 10:20 or 10:30. I can talk at a consistent rate at that pace, which takes my mind off of the run and makes me able to go further without getting exhausted.

However, I'm sure I'll be running alone for the race. The mentor will be running the Champaign Half, but I think my pace is a lot slower than hers, that she just runs at my pace. There's another lady doing the Champaign Half, but she runs at about 11 or 11:30, which is WAY too slow for me. I tried running with her once and it was just too slow.

The point is, I am afraid that I'll have a really bad run for the actual race. I know that kind of negative thinking is bad, but this week was just so horrible! The coach said that it was mostly the impact of the long run, but also I should check my insoles (we took them out to dry the shoes - you wad up newspaper and shove it in the shoe to absorb all the water.)

And another bad thing - my iPod seems to have died. It will tell me "activity stopped" while I'm running and turn off! I know a 10-minute mile isn't that fast, but come ON! I don't know if I want to shell out another $40 - this would be my 3rd one in 2.5 years ... and they're supposed to last 1000 miles each. I haven't even run 1000 miles in my LIFE!

Well, stay tuned, because the toughest run (until race day) is coming up next weekend - 12 miles on the lakefront again. If it rains, I will be VERY unhappy!

- Lynette

Saturday, March 7, 2009

10 Mile Run Today!

Today was our 10-mile run along the lakefront. Matt was sick yesterday and was afraid he wouldn't be able to run today, but when we woke up he felt okay. We had to be there at 7:45, so we left around 6:45. I was so nervous because my run yesterday (2 miles) was really bad, with my feet ACHING the whole time.

Well, there were dozens and dozens of TNT members, it was so cool! We hit the trail at about 8:30, I think. I was running with my friend Joanne and one of the mentors, Jennifer. Matt took off ahead of us (as usual.) At about mile 2 there was a water stop, and Jennifer and Joanne stopped without telling me, so a half mile later I looked back and they were no where in sight. I kept going, and they caught up with me around the 4 mile marker. And, apparently, they said that I have a cute butt - haha, ladies!

By the time we were close to the turn-around point, I was getting worried because Matt hadn't passed us yet. I was afraid that he'd gotten sick and one of the coaches had to drive him back to the car. But then - just as I expressed my concern to my partners - there he was! A little slower than usual, but feeling okay.

Joanne left us at the 5 mile marker because she's a marathoner and had to run 16 miles. Jennifer and I headed back, chatting the whole time. When I started running, I never thought I'd be able to chat at ALL during a run because of my asthma. I think my lung capacity must be improving!

We had about 3 miles left when the stinging rain started. I had just shorts on, so my legs got red pretty quickly. At about 2 miles left, the sky opened up and we were in a torrential downpour. My shoes got so soaked that it was like running with weights on my ankles! Wow! It had been such a good run until that point, and it was a huge struggle to finish the last two miles. Considering I had just coasted through the first 7, I would never had guessed how difficult it was to get those last two miles logged! But it was windy and pouring and SO miserable.

We got back and poor Matt was standing under the bridge. Everyone else was in their cars or on the trail (we were one of the first 1/2 marathon groups to return.) I had the car keys, so he was stuck under the bridge. But he couldn't have been there more than 20 minutes, and he wasn't soaked because he wasn't in the pouring rain for as long as we were.

We had driven the new Ford Focus, and I did NOT want to get it soaked like we got the Yaris soaked that one time that we ran in the pouring rain. Once we got in the car I stripped off my shorts (I'd brought a pair of pants) and then Joanne walked up to the car - but who cares if she sees me in my panties, she's got 6 kids, and the oldest girl is 25. The coaches had got out and driven back all the marathoners because it was lightning, so they didn't get in their 16 and 18 miles (depending on what marathon they're running.)

We had discussed running together on Wednesdays, so we made plans to get each other's emails from the TNT staff, and Matt and I went on our way. We were FROZEN!!!!

Taking a hot shower when we got home was SO nice! Matt is currently bundled in bed wearing his long underwear, Pippin is keeping him warm, I just stretched but know that I waited too long and will be sore tomorrow, and I'm going to go get us Jimmy John's for lunch. Then we're off to a Chili Bowl at 2, and I'm guessing we'll be home early and in bed by 8 or so!

This was our longest run to date, and after running the last 3 miles in pouring rain, I am less worried about making it to 13.1 miles on race day. It seems like a VERY reachable goal now! Especially since I only walked twice before the rain instead of every mile, and then I ended up walking 3 times in the rain (once was a scheduled walk, once was because my iPod died and I had to put it in my pocket, and once because we took a wrong turn and had to figure out which way to go.) Each time was less than a minute, though, so if I do my scheduled run 11 minutes walk 1, I should make it to the end of the 1/2 with NO problem!!!

- Lynette

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Wordle: Running Blog 2009-03-03

Since we have a decent amount of entries now, I wanted to try generating one of these word-cloud things from It analyzes your blog (or any text you want) and sizes each word based on it's frequency of use. I'd like a poster of this once we're done with the half-marathon.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Just a few weeks away!

We're getting up into the huge miles now, starting this week. On Saturday, we'll be running 10 miles down on the lakefront. I'm not looking forward to either the 10 miles OR the wind! This will be a real test of our endurance. Eight miles was tough, but I'd run 7 before, so it wasn't impossible. But this will really be a tough run.

With all these runs with high mileage, I've found that I REALLY need a nap after our runs. My whole body aches for about two days, and no matter how much I stretch, it seems like my calves are never stretched enough. I've never been the kind of person who just lays around, but honestly, for the two days after the long run, ALL I want to do is lay around. I've managed so far to drag myself to the gym on Mondays, though, doing some muscle work. By Tuesday I'm fine, rocking it out at Turbo Kick, but it's just those first two days that make me want to just crawl into bed and not come out.

I've noticed I'm getting a lot more definition in my leg muscles, which is really nice. I've been running hills and combining my intervals with that, leaving me exhausted every Wednesday. But I think it's helping my breathing and my endurance, and it's a huge challenge that I need to overcome, and we all know how competitive I am.

Wish us luck on our 10-mile run on Saturday!