Thursday, January 1, 2009

Still hanging in there ...

So we're well into training, and I'm still having issues with my iPod. I ran 4 miles yesterday and it said that I rain over 6. Grr! I threw the chip and sensor in the trash, but Matt yelled at me, so I had to dig them out again.

Matt was unable to run because he wasn't feeling well (still isn't) and probably won't be able to run tomorrow or Saturday. I hope he feels better soon!

I wonder if people are even reading this blog - if so, I guess I'd better start coming up with some better posts!

Since it's January 1, I guess I should say that I do have some running goals set for this year. Obviously, I want to finish the Champaign Half Marathon on April 11. Other than that, I'd like to knock a minute off of my 5k time, bringing me down to a 27-minute 5k.

I'd also like to take this time to emphasize why we're doing this Team in Training ... training ... My friend Tom passed away from leukemia when he was just 17. My cousin Serena passed away from leukemia a few years after that. Grandma Novy, my maternal grandmother, lost her battle with multiple myeloma, another blood cancer, in September of 2006. And Matt's cousin-in-law Diana passed away this past November, about a week shy of the 1-year anniversary of her leukemia diagnosis.

In speaking with other TNT members, I've learned of other people who have known a lot of people who passed away from blood cancers. One of the coaches we met last weekend had five family members lose their battle with blood cancer. It's really scary how many people know someone who battled with blood cancers. There's so many types, too.

So that's why we're running. Seventy-five percent of every donation goes straight towards research and patient aid (helping with bills, etc.) That's why every donation is so important. We really appreciate all the support we've received so far, but we still have a long way to go. Please let your friends know what we're doing and direct them to our website,

Thanks again for your support, and stay tuned for more training updates!


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