Monday, January 12, 2009

6 miles

Lynette's better at writing these updates, but I'll give this one a shot. Saturday was a 6 mile run, the longest I've ever gone. The night before, it snowed 4-5 inches, so we couldn't run on the Prairie Path - we just ran down a 1-mile stretch of road and back 3 times. Lynette finds this extremely boring, but I don't mind - running is running as far as I'm concerned. I just put on my iPod, start up a podcast (Adam Carolla, Escape Pod, or This American Life), and don't think about running. When I mentioned my listening habits at the post-run stretching clinic, almost everyone else who listened to something said they needed the beat of the music - nobody else listened to "talk". For me, if I have music on, every 3 minutes becomes another reminder of time passing - another chance to think about how far I've gone already, and how far I still have to go. Letting myself become engrossed in a story makes it much easier to forget about all that and just let my body take me across the finish line.

1 comment:

casualcostumer said...

I just have a very hard time concentrating on my book on tape or whatever. I tend to have to go back and relisten to some parts, or I have a hard time finding where I was last time and I just get frustrated. It also tends to slow down my pace considerably. But when I have the music on, I feel like I can pay more attention to where I'm going, how fast I'm running, making sure I'm not getting hit by cars, etc. The music is just background noise for me. I'd run without music at all if it didn't drive me out of my mind.