Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Incorrect Calibration

If you've read Matt's last post, you probably looked at our little Nike+ Minis on the side of the page. My last run reads over 5 miles - well, I actually ran about 3 miles. I've run once more since then (but I haven't synched up with Nike.com to record it). I recalibrated my Nike+ during that very run and when I started to run my actual run, it said I only ran 2 miles when I actually ran 3. It's very frustrating because it is a whole mental thing - I want to make sure I'm running at the same pace, and if it says I'm running a 13-minute mile, I know that's wrong and I get frustrated. And if it is saying I ran further, then it tells me I ran a 7-minute mile (I run a 10-minute mile race pace.) Consequently, I get distracted trying to figure out exactly how far I've actually run, or how fast I'm going based on distance and time ... blech.

I am thinking of borrowing the measuring thingy from work and measuring and exact 400 yards around the track and recalibrating it that way. Maybe 1/2 mile is too long ... but the calibration has only been off for the last month or so, it was almost exact for the three months prior to that.

How annoying!!!

- Lynette

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