We walked around a little, but there was nothing really of interest there. As we were walking towards the exit, Matt said, "hey, there's Andy!" who is our Team in Training staff member. I immediately said, "Andy!" and did this excited little wave. It was pretty funny that I was so excited to see him!
We walked around campus while Matt showed me the dorms he had stayed in, then we drove around campus a bit. That was cool, because he was only at U of I for one year, and he doesn't talk about it much. It was as if I was finally getting a peek into Matt's mysterious past!
Then, we called his sister, Annie, who lives in Champaign (but only for the next few weeks, then they move up here - yay!) We chilled out at her house, played with our niece Ellie, and chatted with Mom and Dad (who were there to cheer for us) for about an hour and a half. By then it was time to go back to the hotel to prepare for our Pasta Party.
The Pasta Party was hosted by Team in Training in the hotel, and we knew it was in the conference center. As we walked down the hallway, we heard this huge racket - we walked around the corner, and all the Team in Training coaches, staff, and mentors were lined up outside the doors with little clappers and cowbells and other noise makers to cheer for all of the TNT participants as they walked in. It was a little embarrassing, but it also made me feel pretty good!
We sat with some of the other Chicago West team members and enjoyed our spagetti, salad, greens, etc. There was a slide show of past runs and practices, and then we had two speakers - one whose sister has been battling lymphoma for SIX years (it's come back twice) and someone whose father passed away in October from lymphoma. I was crying through both speeches, they were so moving. Then, with a hearty GO TEAM! we gathered for a team picture, and we also took a Chicago West team picture.
Andy, Matt, Lynette Kate, Jordan, someone I don't know, Bijona
By that time, it was about 8:00, so we went upstairs to finish laying out our clothes, food, and water bottles for the morning. We tumbled into bed at 9:30, and I was asleep almost immediately.
I woke up without my alarm feeling fantastic! I was ready to go! I looked at the clock ... 10:30. The same happened at 2, 4:30, and 5. At 5:15, both of us were awake. We chatted about our inability to sleep (Matt was up several times during the night, too) until our alarms went off at 5:30.
We hadn't been sure what to wear, and Matt finally decided on putting his new Illini shirt under his singlet. My singlet was a bit short, so I put on one of the tank tops I've been running in all season under it, and it worked out perfectly. We both decided to wear shorts. It was going to warm up, but standing around in the chilly morning was less than ideal, so they had suggested bringing black garbage bags (to keep off any rain and keep us warm - we didn't need them) and "throw-away clothes." I wore an old zip-up sweater that no longer zips and some ripped gloves.

When we left the room, we found that someone from Team in Training had put some signs on the floor in front of our hotel room, along with some chocolate. It was pretty cool!
We met the team down in the breakfast nook at 6:15. Someone was handing out TNT tattoos, so Kate and I each grabbed one.
We finished our breakfasts, and then walked over to the starting line with everyone at 7. I told Matt that the entire day felt like we were getting ready for Slet or something. I was pretty comfortable, and that after my worries that I'd be nervous. It took a while to find the bag check, but we finally found it.
The weather couldn't have been better. It was EXACTLY what I would have wanted for race day. I'd rather be a little too cold than too warm! I think it must have been about 40 or 45 with a slight breeze.
By that time, the race was ready to begin, and I was a bit worried because I hadn't seen our mentor, Jenn, anywhere. We were supposed to run together, but I figured I'd be fine on my own. When she arrived, I felt a bit relieved!
to the start line (our chips, however, only activate when we cross.)
After the first mile, I got warm, so I tossed my sweater to the side
of the road, where it joined countless other sweaters. After the
second mile, my fingers warmed up, so I tossed my gloves to the
other side of the road (someone in front of us didn't take his gloves
off until mile 10, and the whole way we passed discarded clothing.)
Jenn and I did the first two miles in about 9:40 and 10:00, but I felt like we were going SOOO slow. It was very difficult to hold back!
I was still going at a good pace, but I just HAD to run over and hug them all. They kept yelling, "keep running!" but I was just so grateful that they came out to support us that I had to hug them!
All along the route we saw TNT supporters. As soon as they saw us, they would start waving their signs like crazy and screaming "GO TEAM IN TRAINING!" It was so cool! Jenn and I both had our names on the front of our singlets, so every once in a while people would shout, "Go Jenn! Go Lynette! You can do it!" and things like that. It was really cool! I felt like I had so many friends!
I really wanted to make the effort to walk every 10 minutes once we got about 2 miles in, and we missed a few of those opportunities because we were talking and waving to people. I'm glad I decided to take those forced breaks, because without them, I would have burned out a lot faster than I did.
We saw the Gilberts again around mile 8. This time I just waved and kept going.
When we got to about mile 10, I saw Aunt Mary and Katie and Kyra on the side of the road - Diana's mother- and sister-in-law. I was so happy to see them, and I was so proud that I was running this race for their branch of the family, so of course, I had to run and give them a hug. Again, they said "keep running!" but I just had to show them my appreciation for coming down to support us. I burst into tears, and as I left them I couldn't catch my breath again. I resolved to try not to cry after that, and I had anticipated the night before that I'd be crying the last few miles. I just couldn't afford it!
By the time we got to mile 11, I'd just about had it. My body was HURTING. I picked up a blister somewhere around mile 5, which had NEVER happened before, the back of my right ankle hurt, I was beginning to cramp in my calves, everything was starting to ache, my face felt like it was on fire, and every time I tried to drink water I felt like I was going to throw up. I was afraid that I was getting some kind of heat exhaustion, so I kept forcing small amounts of water into me and pouring water on my face because I didn't want to be one of those people who end up getting taken away by the med carts!!! But I wasn't doing great. This was expected, though, as my 12-mile run was SO hard. When we got to where the course split (half marathoners turned while marathoners went straight) I actually didn't think I was going to make it to mile 12.
We walked for the last time at mile 12, which was a scheduled walk (I didn't do any unscheduled walks!) Someone was cheering for us - "Go Team in Training! Go Lynette! You can do it, don't stop!" and my Nike+ voice told me the time, which meant it was time to walk for a minute. I stopped to walk right in front of the lady who was cheering, and she said something like, "or, you can walk!"
By this point, I was doing REALLY poorly. I think we did the last two miles at almost a 12-mile pace. It was kind of pathetic, but my legs didn't want to run! I had to will my legs to pick up my feet and keep going. Jenn kept saying encouraging things like, "this is what you've been training for, right here, this is just one moment, it's all mental, it's all willpower," etc. I was grumbling and really not thinking I could do it. I have a really bad attitude when I want to. But I just couldn't imagine that my body could go on. She kept saying, "the stadium is right there! Come on, you can do it!" We could hear people cheering in the stadium, but the Negative Nancy that I am, I knew that we had to pass the stadium and then turn back, and frankly, I was dreading it. You can see the struggle in my face in the photo below (courtesy of Kelly Darnell, Team in Training.) That's Jenn!

We turned the corner and doubled back, and I started to think maybe I could actually finish this. We ran down the ramp into the stadium, and immediately it was like something out of a movie. We ran all the way down to the other end of the field, then turned to run to the 50-yard line. I had SUCH energy during that run! Being on the turf really helped, too. I usually try to end my runs with a 100-yard sprint, so I started sprinting the last 50 yards. The Jumbotron camera was trained on that last turn, but I was too far away to see myself!!

Then I heard, "LYNETTE! LYNETTE!" I turned and Matt was limping - no - hobbling, no - hopping like a mad rabbit over to me. It reminded me of Best in Show, except instead of like how Cookie's right leg was wobbling, Matt's leg was stuck out to the side ...
I immediately thought that he'd really hurt his knee and hadn't finished, that he'd been picked up by one of the carts. I mean, someone who could barely walk certainly hadn't run! But then I saw his medal, and I was SOOOO relieved! We hugged, got water, said goodbye to Jenn (I gave her a big hug and thanked her - I wouldn't have finished the way I did without her encouragement) and headed off to the stands.
We sat down, and Matt burst into tears. It really alarmed me, because I've never seen him cry - ever. I was so concerned that it was his leg. But then he said it was just emotion, and as he recounted his run, he kept dissolving into tears. I was so proud of him! My husband runs really, really fast!!!!
Matt's stats: Bib - 7165; Time - 1:56:07; Pace - 8:52; Overall Place - 999 of 3582 ; Division Place - 111th of 276; Gender Place - 686th of 1571.
Lynette's stats: Bib - 7164; Time - 2:22:18; Pace - 10:52; Overall Place - 2572 of 3582 ; Division Place - 277th of 416; Gender Place - 1250 of 2000.
You know I had brain melt after 13.1
miles because I thought for a second
that was our Yaris behind the tent!
miles because I thought for a second
that was our Yaris behind the tent!

After recovering for a few minutes, I went off to pick up the car alone because I didn't want Matt to try to walk that far. I had to walk all the way back to the hotel, and let me tell you, that was EXHAUSTING!!! It was about a half mile, and boy, did I feel every step!
I got back, and by that time, our other two West team members who were doing the run/walk were finished. We had wanted to wait around for Bijona, who was doing the walk/run, but we really wanted to get to Annie's to just get warm and relax.
I have to tell you, at that point, the idea of any future exercise seemed so nutty ... I woke up that morning with the thought that I would go to boot camp next Friday, since I don't have to run next Saturday. But sitting there at the tent, when for some reason the thought of boot camp popped into my head, all I could think was, "I must be crazy! I'll never have enough energy to ever exercise again!!"
It took us almost an hour to get to Annie's. All the streets were blocked off due to the marathon section of the run, and she lived just about in the middle of the course. At one point, I wanted to cross the street between runners and there were volunteers controlling traffic. One volunteer was standing in front of the cone (I later learned) so that I didn't know we could go across. When it was clear, he motioned for me to move forward (he did NOT motion for me to turn left!) As I crossed the street, he yelled "HEY!" at us - and I saw the cone. Then I saw that the street was blocked off because the marathon course continued a few blocks away. We managed to get out of there, but I felt horrible. I didn't do it on purpose! And besides, what if I lived on that street? Huh? We'll just pretend that I lived on that block ...
We finally got to Annie's and just about collapsed. We told our stories, rested, played with Ellie, chatted with Aunt Mary and Katie, oohed and aahed over Kyra (this was our first time meeting the newest member of the Gilbert clan!) and snacked. After Aunt Mary and Katie left, we went out for our "Easter" dinner. It was fabulous ... and I still had my TNT tattoo on my face, but I wore it proudly!
Ellie, Annie, Kyra, Mom Gilbert
After that, we went back to Annie's and said goodbye. The drive home was tough - we sang Beatles songs all the way home to stay alert.
The dogs were SO happy to see us (my wonderful mom had spent Friday night at our house so we didn't have to go pick them up anywhere) and now we are just chilling. Tomorrow will be a very long day of doing nothing but reading and watching TV and movies. I don't know what we're going to eat, but we're not going anywhere for Easter. I think we'll probably pick up a frozen pizza or something from Dominick's.
The plan is: rest for a few weeks, then training for the Downers Grove Park District's 10 miler, which will be no picnic, either.
Thanks to everyone who supported us, either by cheering for us, wishing us well, or donating. And a HUGE THANK YOU to Steve, Monica, Jenn, Joanne (my running partner on training days!) Kelly, and Andy - We couldn't have done this without you!
- Lynette
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