Saturday, January 3, 2009

5-mile run

Today was our 5-mile run with the team. Matt's been sick the last few days, so he didn't go. It was kind of strange running without him. Well, I ALWAYS run without him, but it was strange meeting the team alone. They said that they missed watching the back of him disappear as he smoked us all ...

It was about 25 degrees today, and the Prairie Path was clear of enough snow and ice that we could finally run on it - YAY!!! Of course, I hadn't noticed that the first half mile was downhill, so that meant that the last half mile is UPhill. But I ran it ... I finished in 59:14. I didn't actually run a 12-minute mile, there was a huge stretch of ice that took me 4 minutes to cross the first time and 3 minutes to cross on the way back, so I actually ran about 52 minutes.

When I was done, my hair was frozen. I had two hair popsicles hanging on my neck! I tried to take a picture, but my phone battery died. I'm sure it won't be the last time that my hair freezes!

I did have Matt take a picture of me running, so ya'll can see what I look like - a total dork! Notice the waterbottle I'm carrying - I always feel like I'm Barbie, the way that my hand fits into that strap!

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